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Making the most of millennials

Posted on: Monday January 01, 2018

by Julie Stayte, Chief People Officer

How to unlock the potential of your millennial workforce

Generation Y cannot be ignored. By 2020 they will make up 50% of the global workforce and if engaged correctly, they will become indispensable to all companies. We have listed the top tips to help unlock their discretionary effort.

1. Choice of communication channel

While many Gen Ys were starting out when email was becoming the default communication tool, for younger Gen Ys, instant messaging (IM) now takes precedence over email. The danger in assuming that Gen Y communication is all about social media, push and sms is that you forget email. But a lot of Gen Ys still like email so don’t write it off.

2. Gen Y expect the best technology

They love the latest gadgets. When a new Gen Y recruit was recently handed her new company work laptop her response, not surprisingly, was ‘You must be kidding.’ IT and procurement will have a spec for new machines, but if Gen X are doing the buying and selling there’s a risk of mismatch between what they consider a suitable device and the expectations of Gen Y.

3. Bring Your Own Device

Gen X typically has two phones, for work and private use, as do Gen Y, but they are more likely to have the latest smartphone. Why force them to use another older phone, when you can introduce a BYOD policy and let them use their own. Yes, there are security issues to consider, and these are paramount, but not beyond the capability of your IT function to resolve.

4. Mobile first then cross platform

Look at any research around use of the internet and online purchasing, and mobile is now overtaking the desktop. Make sure you are doing the same. We have our own platform, Hapi, which has its own app and that allows you to transform your communication strategy using SMS and push technology through your engagement platform.

5. Make it easy, with a home technology salary sacrifice scheme

Gen Y don’t have a lot of disposable income to spend on the latest tech gadgets; Our Lets Connect scheme has a low cost set up and ensures that as a 21st engagement benefit, salary sacrifice has just as much appeal to Gen Y as equally important benefits, such as pensions. If you aren’t running such a scheme, you can bet that your competitors are, and that means you are missing a trick.

6. Focus on wellness

My sixth resolution is more of an aspiration. It is a time of year when a lot of people’s resolutions will be based around health - they will be thinking about overall wellness. Ensure that you use this time of year not just to focus on your discounted gym membership, but also the Employee Assistance Schemes that can help a lot when people need real help. The post-Christmas slump can take its toll on staff – make sure they feel physically and mentally supported.

To find out more about how Personal Group can help support your workforce wellbeing, contact us or email


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