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Only 50% of employees say they are productive at work

Only 50% of employees say they are productive at work

Junior members of the workforce are most likely to be disengaged, demotivated and lacklustre about work according to survey on happiness in the UK.

Posted on: 01 January 2018

Making the most of millennials

Making the most of millennials

By 2020 they will make up 50% of the global workforce, they will become indispensable to all companies. We have listed the top tips to help unlock their discretionary effort.

Posted on: 01 January 2018 by Julie Stayte, Chief People Officer

OCS Drives Engagement through Hapi OCS Drives Engagement through Hapi

OCS Drives Engagement through Hapi

OCS was developing a strategy that put engagement at the forefront of the employee lifecycle - they wanted to develop a new benefits environment and called on us to help.

Posted on: 01 January 2018

The dangers of a disengaged workforce The dangers of a disengaged workforce

The dangers of a disengaged workforce

Here are some of the other pitfalls of a disengaged workforce that businesses should look out for.

Posted on: 11 September 2017

The worst employee rewards The worst employee rewards

The worst employee rewards

Here are the biggest pitfalls to avoid when it comes to rewards and benefits. Remember, engagement isn’t a box ticking exercise.

Posted on: 30 August 2017

Why Millennials prefer face to face communication Why Millennials prefer face to face communication

Why Millennials prefer face to face communication

How one on one communication can improve employee engagement in Millennials

Posted on: 11 August 2017


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