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3 ways to prevent presenteeism

3 ways to prevent presenteeism

Presenteeism - where employees are at work but aren’t functioning at 100% because of health or other issues – is a widespread problem.

Posted on: 13 January 2021

Don't get left behind on social wellbeing

Don't get left behind on social wellbeing

We’re hearing more and more about social wellbeing – but is it just a buzzword?

Posted on: 08 January 2021

Why financial wellbeing is no longer just a 'nice to have' Why financial wellbeing is no longer just a 'nice to have'

Why financial wellbeing is no longer just a 'nice to have'

Whilst some employers may have thought of financial wellbeing as an optional extra, they are now waking up to the importance of providing these services for their employees.

Posted on: 07 January 2021

Physical wellbeing in lockdown Physical wellbeing in lockdown

Physical wellbeing in lockdown

Employer led physical wellbeing programmes have been shown to improve employee health and fitness, reduce absenteeism, increase retention, and improve employee alertness, morale and job satisfaction.

Posted on: 05 January 2021

Supporting mental wellbeing in lockdown Supporting mental wellbeing in lockdown

Supporting mental wellbeing in lockdown

Experiencing mental health problems is more common than you might think. According to Mind, the mental health charity, 1 in 4 people in the UK will experience a mental health

Posted on: 04 January 2021

Does COVID-19 change employers’ position on physical health interventions in the workplace? Does COVID-19 change employers’ position on physical health interventions in the workplace?

Does COVID-19 change employers’ position on physical health interventions in the workplace?

We’ve previously talked about how COVID-19 has changed expectations around employee wellbeing. Employees are increasingly more reliant on their employer to protect their health and wellbeing by providing a safe

Posted on: 25 November 2020


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